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фото Scrubber


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CISS Group of companies provides successfully independent services for ship owners and operators all over the world. We organize, plan and perform critical maintenance and emergency repair work. Our goal is to focus on minimizing maritime asset downtime with highly efficient engine service, fast workshop and full environmental compliance retrofit.

Between other services we provide inspections of scrubbers installation, maintenance and control.

Scrubbers are designed for cleaning gas-air emissions from dust and various gas impurities, from various vessel installations. In accordance with the requirements of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) of January 1, 2020, all vessels must reduce the level of SO2 emissions to the equivalent of fuel with a sulfur content of 0.5%, instead of the previously allowed 3.5%. In various maritime zones – for example in SECA zone – this content is even further restricted to maximum 0.1%. The EGCS (Exhaust Gas Cleaning System) or gas cleaning machine allows you to clean the exhaust gases of the main and auxiliary engines in accordance with these rules. Scrubbers for the exhaust gas cleaning system are today installed in most of sailing vessels.

Scrubber installation control is the process of monitoring the installation, testing and maintenance of exhaust gas cleaning equipment on ships, according to the standards of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

CISS GROUP provides services for the control of the installation of scrubbers on ships in ports anywhere in the world.

The peculiarity of controlling the installation of a scrubber is that no two gas cleaners are exactly the same - they all have a different design and are manufactured in many different ways. Adapting this type of equipment to existing vessels is always a difficult task. Installing scrubbers requires careful calculations of the stability of the vessel, the return pressure of the exhaust gases and the ventilation of the engine room. New equipment is required for pumping and water purification. And taking into account the characteristics of individual vessels, it is also necessary to take into account the need to install the EGCS into existing equipment, routing pipelines, etc., in efforts to minimize the expenses for such refit.

The main stages of control of the scrubber installation are:

The initial inspection shall include verification of the relevant technical information of the scrubber agreed with the client during the design period of planned refit. This includes determining the exact location of the scrubber and ancillary equipment associated with the system, including seawater pumps, monitoring and control equipment and piping locations. A thorough study of the 3D model, shall be conducted to show where all the elements will be installed on the vessel. Typically, this is the most challenging part of the entire project, due to the fact that any last-minute changes to the design and pipe layout modifications will result in delays I.e. expenses to the client.

During all stages of scrubbers installation the CISS GROUP inspector monitors the various works performed, making sure that the installation is carried out in accordance with the plan and deadlines.

On the completion of each stage of installation tests are carried out to save time during final commissioning.

Once all equipment is installed and all systems are put into operation, a comprehensive test – including sea trials – are carried out to determine the integrity of the new installation.

At this stage CISS Group inspector takes waste water samples and sent it to a laboratory for analysis.

After receiving the results of the water analysis, the final international certificate for the prevention of air pollution is issued.

At the end of the work, the inspector enters all the data into the reports, to which the client receives direct access. Note that the CISS GROUP inspection and sampling can be carried out around the clock!

Laboratory tests.

After the start-up of the EGCS (Exhaust Gas Treatment System) unit, we carry out waste water analysis exclusively in accredited laboratories in accordance with the requirements of existing international standards. Content of hydrocarbon phenanthrene (PAHphe), sample clarity and temperature is checked for its accordance with IMO resolution MEPC.184(59).

Photo and video.

The inspector fixes each stage of the inspection on photos and videos. All inspection evidence collected during the inspection by the inspector of CISS Group contain the date and time of the occurrence. At the end of the inspection of the scrubber plant, CISS Group provides a detailed photo report of all stages of plant installation and control.


Based on the results of the inspection of the scrubber installation CISS Group issue the certificates. The authenticity of the documents can be verified by the client using a unique QR code, which is the "key" to the CISS GROUP website, where pdf versions of certificates are stored. Our certificates are protected by a digital cryptographic signature, this also guarantees their reliability and security.

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