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Yacht survey

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Owning a yacht can be the final step in the realization of a lifelong dream. It can, however also be the start of unexpected problems. Some of the most frequent problems which a fresh yacht owner can face can be summarized as follows:

  1. Technical problems. It must be remembered that yachts nowadays are very complicated machinery. Therefore, problems with main engine, generators, navigational aids, various systems for sails operation and complicated electrical system needed to power all of the mentioned may sometimes be too complicated for “fresh yacht owner” as well as for experienced sailor.
  2. Structural problems with yacht hull – sometimes unseen to unexperienced eye such as corrosion, sea water damages, mechanical damages to underwater parts of hull, must and its rigging problems.
  3. Seasonal maintenance and repairs of the yacht and its systems and equipment
  4. Lifesaving equipment – pneumatical life rafts, personal safety equipment, means of communication such as radios, flares, etc. safety buys and others. All that must be proper for the size of the yacht and its crew, properly certified and maintained.
  5. Financial aspects of yacht owning. The cost of insurance, cost of bunker, cost of mooring in marinas, plus myriad of other expenses can be a little surprising for an unexperienced yacht owner too.
  6. There are various statutory obligations such as valid sailing licenses, insurance certificates, taxes payable, knowledge of sea laws and risks related to seafaring.
yacht survey

All the above points with its problems and impact for safe and satisfying yacht sailing can be prevented or minimized by professional guiding of experienced yacht surveyor.

CISS Group Pte Ltd is an international marine inspection company which can offer assistance and proper guidance for owners of any sea craft – starting from small yachts and finishing on large ocean-going vessels.

Everywhere in the world we offer marine surveys, technical pre-purchase reports, maintenance assistance and guidelines, repairs performed by our staff as well as supervision of such work performed by other 3rd parties, crewing and chartering, damager inspection and technical reports required by insurance companies.

We can offer our assistance and help at various stages of yacht owning such as:

  1. Purchase or selling process of yachts. Regardless of intention to buy a new or secondhand yacht it is important to order a professional pre-purchase survey performed by a professional marine surveyor. Its cost is a small fraction of the intended transaction and may save a lot of money and problems for potential buyers. Sellers are also advised to support their own opinion of their sea craft by independent professionally made condition report.
  2. Insurance report – seeking a damage compensation payment or even a routine insurance coverage one must present a proper damage or condition report to an insurance company.
  3. Assistance in financing a yacht purchase. As purchase of any yacht craft these days can be quite expensive exercise, such operation very frequently involves financing by a bank or other financing institution. Such institutions also require a professional condition report. Here the professional assistance of a CISS Group marine surveyor can also help in establishing a proper value of a yacht and avoid possible risks.
  4. Safety assessment of a yacht and its equipment including the condition of an engine and other mechanical and electrical systems of the yacht and navigational aids.
  5. Certification and required standards. As seafaring these days is governed by various international and maritime requirements CISS Group can also help a yacht owner to fulfill these obligations.
marine surveys, technical pre-purchase reports, maintenance assistance and guidelines

CISS Group offers the full spectrum of yacht marine inspections, such as:

  • Supervision of design and manufacturing yacht process
  • Superintendence during yacht launching and sea trails
  • Pre or after sale condition report
  • Damage report
  • Assessment and repairs of any yacht system by professional own CISS Group engineering teams. Alternatively, a supervision of a work performed by other 3rd party can be offered
  • Supervision of hull – and other parts of yacht – painting
  • Project coordination and supervision

Summarizing the above, a professional marine inspection performed by CISS Group is of paramount importance for maintaining proper condition and standard, as well as avoiding various risks which are frequently present in the yachting world.

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