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фото Rapeseeds inspection

Rapeseeds inspection

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Rapeseed inspection is a critical quality control process conducted at various stages of the logistics chain. It minimizes major trade risks, including discrepancies in cargo specifications, quantity shortages, and incomplete documentation in rapeseed export and import operations.

CISS GROUP provides comprehensive rapeseed inspection services for leading agribusinesses and international trading companies. Our inspections are carried out in intermediate storage warehouses, silos, factories, and ports worldwide, ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Rapeseed inspection service photo

Rapeseed contains up to 50% oil, making it highly susceptible to damage from excess moisture. Due to its low water absorption capacity, even a slight increase in moisture content can lead to self-heating and seed deterioration. When stored in high humidity, rapeseed with a high oil content is at risk of spontaneous combustion. Spoilage and mold growth in rapeseed can progress rapidly, causing significant losses within hours if not properly managed.

FOSFA-accredited inspectors and laboratory technicians from CISS GROUP carry out rapeseed inspection at any point of the supply chain.

The main stages of rapeseed inspection:

stages of rapeseed inspection photo

Incoming and outgoing rapeseed inspection

Inspection is conducted upon delivery to silos, ports, or factory warehouses and before dispatch. CISS GROUP inspectors assess storage conditions, ensuring premises are suitable for cargo storage. Cargo is checked to confirm it is dry, uncontaminated, free from mold, pests, foreign matter, and odors. For bagged shipments, inspectors verify the absence of moisture damage and, if required, open selected bags for additional quality checks.

Cleanliness inspection of containers and vessel holds

Before loading, a visual assessment of containers and vessel holds is performed to ensure cleanliness and suitability for rapeseed transportation. Inspectors examine internal surfaces, check the integrity of locks, hinges, and rubber seals, and confirm compliance with shipping standards.

Loading supervision and sampling

During the loading process, inspectors oversee cargo handling, confirm gross and net weight, and conduct draft surveys for vessel loading. They monitor fumigation procedures, perform visual quality checks, and collect samples according to FOSFA sampling guidelines. At the end of loading, inspectors seal containers or holds and document findings in detailed reports accessible to clients. CISS GROUP offers 24/7 inspection and sampling services to ensure continuous monitoring.

Laboratory testing for rapeseed quality

Rapeseed quality testing is conducted exclusively in FOSFA-accredited laboratories, adhering to local and international contractual standards. Standard testing parameters include color, odor, oil content, erucic acid concentration, glucosinolates, and the presence of weeds and oily impurities. Temperature control is essential, and the cargo must be tested for pest infestation and mold presence.

Additional tests detect pesticides, mycotoxins, GMOs, dioxins, heavy metals, and radioactive elements. Upon request, express analysis can be conducted during loading for pre-determined batches.

Comprehensive photo and video documentation

Each inspection stage is meticulously documented with photos and videos, timestamped for transparency and traceability. Upon completion, CISS GROUP provides clients with a detailed photo report covering all quality control stages.

Certification and digital document authentication

Upon completion of the rapeseed inspection, CISS GROUP issues final certificates and reports. Clients can verify document authenticity through a unique QR code linked to our secure online database, where certified PDF versions are stored. Our digital certificates are protected with cryptographic signatures, ensuring security and reliability.

Digitally signed certificates are frequently required by banks to validate trade integrity when financing transactions via letters of credit.

CISS GROUP guarantees full compliance with international trade documentation standards, facilitating seamless and secure rapeseed trade operations.

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