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фото Grain aeration

Grain aeration

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Aeration is a crucial process designed to protect stored agricultural products from small rodents, insects, and plant pathogens that cause spoilage and financial losses. Rodents not only damage stored goods but also serve as carriers of infectious diseases, posing a significant risk to both health and supply chain integrity.

CISS GROUP provides professional aeration and gasification services to agricultural holdings, elevators, and trading companies worldwide. Utilizing only highly effective chemicals and state-of-the-art equipment, we ensure the safety and efficiency of the treatment process.

All aeration procedures are carried out strictly in accordance with safety regulations. CISS GROUP specialists follow rigorous protocols when handling chemicals and operating fumigation equipment. The safety of personnel and environmental protection remain the top priorities. Every fumigation operation is conducted exclusively with specialized personal protective equipment to mitigate risks.

Aeration treatment is applicable to various storage facilities, including warehouses, mills, and elevators, as well as directly to cargo such as sugar, cereals, and tobacco. These products are treated with gaseous fumigants and sealed for the necessary exposure period to ensure complete disinfection.

The aeration process requires strict adherence to temperature conditions. It cannot be performed at temperatures below 0°C or above 35°C. During hot seasons, fumigation is scheduled at the earliest hours of the day to optimize effectiveness and safety.

The standard aeration procedure consists of multiple stages. Initially, all windows and doors are securely sealed. Then, fumigant gas is evenly dispersed throughout the designated area. Following application, the treated space remains closed for 3-5 days to allow for effective pest eradication. After the exposure period, degassing is conducted using natural or artificial ventilation to ensure the removal of residual fumigants.

The effectiveness of aeration depends significantly on the airtightness of the treated space. If the structure lacks sufficient sealing, it must be covered with gas-tight materials for the duration of the fumigation process to maintain optimal conditions.

Photo and video report

The entire aeration process is documented with photo and video recordings. Each visual record is timestamped, providing verifiable evidence of the treatment. Upon completion, CISS GROUP delivers a comprehensive report to the client, detailing all stages of the aeration process.


Upon successful completion of fumigation, CISS GROUP issues internationally recognized certificates. Clients can verify the authenticity of these documents using a unique QR code that links to the CISS GROUP website, where PDF versions of the certificates are securely stored. Each certificate is protected by a digital cryptographic signature, ensuring its authenticity and integrity.

Digitally signed certificates are widely required by banks to validate trade transactions, particularly when financing operations through letters of credit. This added layer of security ensures compliance with international trade regulations and guarantees the integrity of the fumigation process.

CISS GROUP remains a trusted partner in agricultural fumigation and aeration, providing reliable, efficient, and compliant solutions to safeguard stored goods and optimize supply chain operations.

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