LPG, LNG inspection
LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), LNG (liquefied natural gas) inspection is a process of quality control of goods at different stages of logistic chain, which minimizes major trade risks related to the likelihood of cargo delivered or received not according to agreed specification, not being supplied in agreed quantity or incomplete set of accompanying documents agreed between parties for LPG, LNG export/import operations is issued and received.
CISS GROUP provides LPG, LNG inspection services to large oil companies and international trading companies in intermediate storage facilities, factories or ports around the world.

The distinctiveness and complexity of LPG and LNG inspection is due to the necessity of the storage of the gas in liquid form which is possible only under significant pressure conditions. At normal earth's atmosphere temperature and pressure LPG and LNG turns into gaseous state, i.e. would require much bigger volume for its storage. Therefore, it is supplied and stored in sealed steel containers (cisterns, RTCs, etc.) which can be pressurized. Another problem is due to LPG and LNG vapors being heavier than air can spread along the ground and drains, settling in the lowest places and can ignite at a considerable distance from the source of the leak. In still air, evaporation dissipates slowly. When air is mixed with LPG or LNG it can create a flammable mixture. Leakage of even a small amount can create a large volume of vapor / air mixture and thus cause a significant hazard. Therefore LPG, LNG are classified as dangerous goods and can only be transported under high pressure and / or at low temperatures. All means of transportation such as RTC rail tank cars, trucks, containers or ships for LPG and LNG must be specially certified and used only in closed and dedicated systems and operated in a safe environment.
Accredited inspectors and laboratory technicians from CISS GROUP carry out LPG, LNG inspection at any point of the supply chain.
The main stages of LPG, LNG inspection:

Incoming/outgoing LPG, LNG inspection.
These type of inspections are carried out during the delivery of LPG or LNG to storage tanks, ship / barge tanks, road tankers, railway tanks RTC or to port tanks, or when exported from storage tanks. The CISS GROUP inspector will visually assess the condition of the premises and tanks for their suitability to store designated cargo. Similar inspections of pipeline systems and its equipment are carried out for the offloading of gas. Each batch of LPG or LNG must be accompanied by a quality document - a quality certificate.
Acceptance of cleanliness containers / holds of vessels before loading LPG, LNG.
These type of inspections are carried out during the delivery of LPG or LNG to storage tanks, ship / barge tanks, road tankers, railway tanks RTC or to port tanks, or when exported from storage tanks. The CISS GROUP inspector will visually assess the condition of the premises and tanks for their suitability to store designated cargo. Similar inspections of pipeline systems and its equipment are carried out for the offloading of gas. Each batch of LPG or LNG must be accompanied by a quality document - a quality certificate.
Visual control of the loading process and sampling of LPG, LNG.
During loading, the inspector monitors the sequence of the pumps operations and the sequence of loading / unloading tanks with LPG or LNG, monitors pressure and temperature conditions, fixes gross / net weight during reloading, checks the weight of the loaded cargo using specialized methods for gas calculations, takes samples in accordance with sampling rules and forms composite specimens.
According to sampling rules for low flow gases with continuous evaporation, a special device (evaporator) is widely used, which is designed to ensure a representative sample without fractionation. Another method is to take a sample directly from the regasification unit. The collected samples are then analyzed using conventional gas chromatography techniques.
At the end of the loading, the inspector will seal the loaded containers or holds. He enters all the data into reports to which the client gets direct access.
Note that the CISS GROUP loading inspection and sampling can be carried out around the clock on 24/7 basis.
Laboratory analyzes of LPG, LNG quality.
CISS Group check the quality of LPG or LNG exclusively in accredited laboratories in accordance with the requirements of agreed per contract international standards. Usually for determination of LPG or LNG quality the following standard parameters are used: component composition, range of Wobbe number values, net calorific value under standard conditions, molar fraction of methane, molar fraction of nitrogen, molar fraction of carbon dioxide, molar fraction of oxygen, mass concentration of hydrogen sulfide, mass concentration of mercaptan sulfur, calculated octane number (by the motor method), etc.
Photo and video report.
The inspector records each stage of the inspection with photos and videos. All such data contain the date and time of recorded stage of inspection. At the end of the LPG, LNG inspection, CISS GROUP provides a detailed photo report of all stages of control and inspection.
Based on the results of the LPG, LNG inspection the final certificate or reports are issued. The client can check the authenticity of the documents using a unique QR code, which is the "key" to the CISS GROUP website, where pdf versions of certificates are stored. Our certificates are protected with a digital cryptographic signature, which also guarantees their reliability and security.
Digitally signed certificates are often required by banks to verify the integrity of trading process when financing trade operations in the form of a letter of credit.
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